
04 10月 2013


7/10 - 11/10

C10295 行遍天下記者群 台灣好島遊 733.6 2311
C10296 行遍天下記者群 台灣好島遊. 2 733.6 2311
C10297 行遍天下記者群 台灣好島遊. 3 733.6 2311
C10408 凌劍剛 考警天書 575.893 3487
C10624 劉鳳群 踏春秘笈 690 6250
C10625 劉鳳群 迎夏秘笈 690 3100
C10626 劉鳳群 賞冬秘笈 690 9027
C10631 李浩一 紀律部隊考警試題全攻略 575.893 4031
C10637 黃擎天 成功是做最好的自己 192.1 4441 
E07336 Hile, Lori Surviving extreme sports 796.046 HIL
E07337 Hurley, Michael Surviving the wilderness 613.69 HUR
E07338 Stiefel, Chana Ye castle stinketh 940.1 STI
E07339 Bredeson, Carmen Don't let the barber pull your teeth 610 BRE
E07340 Stiefel, Chana There's a rat in my soup 394.120 STI
E07341 Stiefel, Chana Sweaty suits of armor 940.1 STI
E07345 Wrble, Lisa A. Dealing with stress 155.904 WRO
E07346 Burns, Jan Friendship 158.25 BUR
E07347 Borus, Audrey Volunteering 302.14 BOR
E07349 Handford, Tom Chinchillas 636.935 HAN
E07356 Smith, Roland Storm runners JF SMI
E07357 Smith, Roland Storm runners:the surge JF SMI
E07358 Smith, Roland Storm runners:eruption JF SMI
E07359 Shaw, Murray Sherlock Holmes and the adventure at the copper beeches 741.597 SHA
E07360 Shaw, Murray Sherlock Holmes and the Boscombe valley mystery 741.597 SHA
E07361 Shaw, Murray Sherlock Holmes and the adventure of the three garridebs 741.597 SHA
E07364 Collier, Irene Dea Chinese mythology rocks! 398.209 COL
E07365 Spies, Karen Barnemann Heroes in Greek mythology rock! 398.209 SPI
E07369 Torrey, Michele The case of the gasping garbage JF TOR
E07370 Torrey, Michele The case of the mossy lake monster JF TOR
E07371 Torrey, Michele The case of the terrible T.rex JF TOR
E07379 Ryals, Lexi Mirror mirror JF RYA
E07380 Korman, Susan Ica age JF KOR
E07381 Deutsch, Stacia The dark knight legend JF DEU
E07384 Trimble, Irene Brave JF TRI
E07387 Macri, Thomas The avengers assemble JF MAC