
18 1月 2013

物理、化學、生物 新書推介

18/1 - 24/1

池內了 探索新知!圖解生物的奧妙 360.22 3417
大宮信光 50則史上最偉大的科學理論 301 4329
Gray, Theodore 看得到的化學 348.21 4412
Goldsmith, Mike 科學調查事件簿 :瘋狂的科學家 309.9 6073
Goldsmith, Mike 科學調查事件簿 :古怪的發明家 309.9 6073
林基興 為何害怕核能與輻射? 449.1 4447
核輻射‧無有怕 333.6 4528
齋藤勝治 3小時讀通能源 400.15 0473
橋本浩 圖解科學史 309 4534 
Potter, Christopher 一本就通宇宙史 323.9 4324
漫畫導遊!奧妙宇宙解謎之旅 323.9 3653
椎木一夫 圖解量子力學 331.3 4415 
羽馬有紗 前進黑洞: 宇宙之旅的單程車票 323.833 1742
Platt, Richard Forensics 363.25 PLA
Hartman, Eve Do scientists care about animal welfare? 179.3 HAR
Thomas, Isabel Should scientists pursue cloning? 174.957 THO
Hartman, Eve What are the issues with genetic technology? 575.1 HAR
Claybourne, Anna What are the limits of organ transplants? 617.954 CLA
Thomas, Isabel What is the controversy over stem cell research? 616.027 THO
Hartman, Eve What is the threat of invasive species? 578.62 HAR
Mandell, Muriel Super science experiments 507.8 MAN
Mandell, Muriel Simple Experiments in time 529.707 MAN
Dingle, adrian The periodic table: elements with style! 546.8 DIN
Pocket scientist: the blue book 500 POC
Cook, Trevor awesome experiments 507.8 COO
Oxlade, Chris Super science experiments 507.8 OXL