
14 12月 2012

金庸袖珍本 & New English Books

14/12 - 19/12

金庸 鹿鼎記 857.9 4038
金庸 書劍恩仇錄 857.9 4038
金庸 碧血劍 857.9 4038
金庸 射鵰英雄傳 857.9 4038
金庸 神鵰俠侣 857.9 4038
金庸 雪山飛狐 857.9 4038
金庸 飛狐外傳 857.9 4038
金庸 連城訣 857.9 4038
金庸 天龍八部 857.9 4038
金庸 俠客行 857.9 4038
金庸 笑傲江湖 857.9 4038
金庸 倚天屠龍記 857.9 4038 
Chua, Amy Battle hymn of the tiger mother 649.157 CHU
Colfer, Eoin The Legend of the worst boy in the world JF COL
Morpurgo, Michael Cool! JF MOR
Coelho, Panlo Aleph F COE
Miller, Arthur The Crucible F MIL
Miller, Arthur Death of a salesmon F MIL
Sheldon, Dyan Confessions of a teenage drama queen JF SHE
Sheldon, Dyan My perfect life JF SHE
Korman, Gordon Titanic JF KOR
Gleitzman, Morris Once. JF GLE
Gleitzman, Morris Then JF GLE
Gleitzman, Morris Too small to fail JF GLE
Teoh, Eliza Ellie Belly: follow that bird! JF TEO
Teoh, Eliza Ellie Belly: cat's out of the bag JF TEO
Gleitzman, Morris Boy overboard JF GLE
Buten, Howard When I was five I killed myself JF BUT
Ziegesar, Cecily von Gossip girl: psychl killer JF ZIE
Ziegesar, Cecily von Gossip girl the carlyles: take a chance on me JF ZIE